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Review of goals for the walking strategy

Authors: Inge Brechan
Report nr: 1162/2011
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1260-3
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

The population in Norway is expected to increase by 18 % by 2023 and we should expect a similar increase in travels. The Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) has evaluated a set of goals proposed for the national strategy for walking and concluded the goals are realistic, in comparison to other European countries with a higher share of walking. The goals are mostly in harmony with each other, but TØI recommends a higher goal for shorter travels close to home and a lower goal (smaller increase walking) for travels to work. It could be wise to include public transport in a strategy for walking. In 2009 the average walking distance associated with a journey (one way) on bus, tram, underground or train in Norway was 670 meters.


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