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Parking strategy knowledge base for the city centre of Sauda

Authors: Marianne Knapskog, Fitwi Wolday, Maja Karoline Rynning, Jan U Hanssen
Report nr: 1806/2020
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-2329-6
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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As in many smaller cities in Norway, the centre of Sauda is car-based with many parking spaces available. A balanced land use and mobility solution therefore requires a balance between accessibility to the centre by car and creating an attractive centre that is safe for pedestrians and cyclists. This report contributes towards a more balanced land use and mobility solution for a parking strategy. A step-by-step development of various measures can lead to the centre remaining attractive and greener travel habits for the population. It is not first and foremost important to reduce parking, but to find the right number of parking spaces for Sauda without compromising the use of the centre. The right balance and step-by-step development can ensure that activity is strengthened. Sauda can achieve this by gradually introducing restrictions, while at the same time implementing projects that contribute to the centre becoming more pleasant and more attractive.


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