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  • > Norwegian freight transport - challenges in the capital area in Norway 2006 - 2015

Norwegian freight transport - challenges in the capital area in Norway 2006 - 2015

Authors: Viggo Jean-Hansen, Øystein Engebretsen
Report nr: 580/2002
ISBN: 82-480-0268-3
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

The freight transport to and from the capital area (Oslo and Akershus) in Norway is analysed by use of the network model NEMO. The goods traffic in to the area comprises totally 110 mill tonnes. 50 mill tonnes is shipped into the area whereas 24 mill is used within the area and 36 mill is transhipped out of the area, mainly wet bulk and general cargo. In the project we have looked at probable developments of the freight transport in the years up to 2015. An increase of imports of food at the sacrifice of the domestic industry will reduce the domestic transport, but give an increase of the freight transport in the capital area. In the white paper from EU (Time to decide) there is recommended measures for a shift from the trucking industry to more environmental carriers. Accordingly we have proposed a new shuttle train from the harbour to the main terminal area for freight transport. Another area is the ferry industry with low prices on freight transport will diminish if the tax-free trade is abolished as in the European ferry industry in 1999. In the report Oslo harbour and the Alnabru terminal area is located as today, If one or both of these heavy nodes are relocated, what will be the impact for the different types of carriers. This issue has been discussed briefly.


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