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  • > NDP-1: Tool for selecting best packages of mutually dependent projects

NDP-1: Tool for selecting best packages of mutually dependent projects

Authors: Olga Ivanova, Harald Minken
Report nr: 665/2003
ISBN: 82-480-0364-7
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

Interdependency between projects means that the net present value of a project is ill defined until the other projects that are implemented simultaneously have been specified. We are forced to consider combinations of projects, which may increase the work involved in selecting the projects enormously. This situation frequently occurs in urban transport planning. The tool to address such problems is the Network Design Problem (NDP) with user equilibrium. A modelling tool to formulate and solve a multi-modal NDP with simultaneous user equilibrium in the car and public transport market has been developed. The user interface does not require mathematical skills. Since the representation of the transport system must be kept simple, a systematic method of aggregating the zonal system of a transport model has been incorporated, along with a somewhat less systematic method of simplifying the network. We expect the tool to be used as a generator of ideas at various stages of the work with a strategic transport plan for a city or a transport corridor.


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