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  • > Land-Use Planning in Urban Regions? Application of County Planning - Theory and Practice.

Land-Use Planning in Urban Regions? Application of County Planning - Theory and Practice.

Authors: Jomar Lygre Langeland
Report nr: 551/2001
ISBN: 82-480-0236-5
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

The subject of this study is land-use and transportation planning in urban areas, above the municipality level. The report deals with three main topics: 1) What do we know about land-use and transportation planning in metropolitan areas? 2) Is there a policy for land-use and transportation on the county level in Norwegian urban areas? and 3) What kind of theoretical approaches would be appropriate in further studies? A literature study and an extensive study of county planning have thrown light upon our main topics. Findings reveal development of county plans in 12 of 19 urban areas in Norway with more than 20 000 inhabitants. Many plans are vague and characterized by beeing first generation plans. Plans for Jæren and Nedre Glomma distinguish themselves by beeing relatively comprehensive and definite.


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