Authors: | Stein Erik Grønland, Christian S. Mjøsund, Inger Beate Hovi |
Report nr: | 1670/2018 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-2194-0 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Hele rapporten Sammendrag |
In intermodal transport involving rail in Norway, the units transported are basically consisting of three categories: Swap bodies, ISO containers and semi-trailers. Based on developments in intermodal transport in Norway and internationally, in addition to interviews with freight operators and logistic companies, this study presents an analysis of the future shares of intermodal units in Norway. The standardization of intermodal units is expected to continue and most of the goods will be carried by 25 feet swap bodies and 13.6 meters semi-trailers. Forecasts for 2030 show that the expected shares of the different types of intermodal units will not change particularly from today, but it is expected that the share of swap bodies will experience a slight growth while the share of semi-trailers will be reduced. To increase the number of ISO-containers it is necessary to establish better sea and rail connections in the Norwegian transport network.