Authors: | Randi Hjorthol |
Report nr: | 576/2002 |
ISBN: | 82-480-0264-0 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary Hele rapporten Sammendrag |
What is the interaction between mobility, transport and the use of information – and telecommunication technology (ICT)? Will part of our travel activity be substituted by ICT, or will ICT generate trips because we get more contacts? May be ICT will modify our travel pattern or initiate new communication forms, which are neutral in relation to physical mobility? This report is a literature review trying to answer these questions. Studies of the impact on transport of telecommuting, e-commerce, tele- and videoconferences and use of mobile telephone are presented. The results show that both substitution, generation, modification and neutrality are found. However, more research is needed, due to the speed of the development and because the research is relatively new and in need of methodological and theoretical improvements.