Authors: | Tom Erik Julsrud, Liva Vågane, Randi Hjorthol |
Report nr: | 1257/2013 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-1423-2 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Hele rapporten Sammendrag |
In this pre project commuting of the employees working at Akershus University Hospital has been mapped to study the potential of reduced commuting by car. About 1900 employees having answered an Internet based survey about their commuting summer and winter, they have also provided information about measures that might change their commuting habits. The survey shows that more than 60 percent drive to work, but there is a potential for change in a more environmentally friendly direction. There are great variations in travel mode and in attitudes towards policy measures, depending on where the respondents live. People with long commuting times are more dissatisfied with their work trip than those who travel shorter.