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Holiday and leisure travel in Norway

Authors: Jon Martin Denstadli
Report nr: 614/2002
ISBN: 82-480-0308-6
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

More than 20,000 people were interviewed in the 2001 National Travel Survey. This report gives results on holiday and leisure travel. Analysis only includes trips with overnight stay and a minimum of 100 km travel distance. Results show that people aged 13 years and older on average make 3,7 holiday/leisure trips per year. Twenty four percent of the trips are international. Average trip length is four nights. Results indicate a trend toward a higher percentage of short trips, i.e., duration 1-3 nights. Southern Europe is the most popular destination for international trips. Results also show that many Norwegians have a second home in Sweden. For 12 percent of the holiday trips to Sweden, accommodation is reported to be own cottage.


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