Authors: | Jon Martin Denstadli |
Report nr: | 614/2002 |
ISBN: | 82-480-0308-6 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Hele rapporten |
More than 20,000 people were interviewed in the 2001 National Travel Survey. This report gives results on holiday and leisure travel. Analysis only includes trips with overnight stay and a minimum of 100 km travel distance. Results show that people aged 13 years and older on average make 3,7 holiday/leisure trips per year. Twenty four percent of the trips are international. Average trip length is four nights. Results indicate a trend toward a higher percentage of short trips, i.e., duration 1-3 nights. Southern Europe is the most popular destination for international trips. Results also show that many Norwegians have a second home in Sweden. For 12 percent of the holiday trips to Sweden, accommodation is reported to be own cottage.