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  • > Evaluation of the Norwegian anti-speeding campaign “Which side of the speed limit are you on?”

Evaluation of the Norwegian anti-speeding campaign “Which side of the speed limit are you on?”

Authors: Ross Owen Phillips, Fridulv Sagberg
Report nr: 1278/2013
ISBN: 978-82-480-1461-4
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1460-7
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
Hele rapporten

Car driver attitudes towards speed limits have improved considerably during the four years of the anti-speeding campaign, and there is now a significantly lower proportion of drivers who state that they often exceed the 80 km/h speed limit than it was in 2008 (before the campaign). There is though little sign of any substantial increase in knowledge about relationships between speed, braking distances and crash risk, mediated by the campaign. There may however, have been increases in more global understanding of speed-risk relationships that were not measured by the survey items used. Average speed on roads with 80 km/h speed limit has decreased by about 1 km/h since 2008. Although apparently a modest speed decrease, this may have significant effects in terms of accident reduction. However, about half of the drivers still exceed the 80 km/h speed limit. It is difficult to draw definite conclusions regarding the question of whether the campaign has influenced driving speeds.


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