Authors: | Truls Vaa, Guro Berge, Alf Glad, Fridulv Sagberg |
Report nr: | 503/2000 |
ISBN: | 82-480-0180-6 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary Hele rapporten Sammendrag |
SIP is an abbreviation for "Strategic Institute Program" which is an activity initiated and partly financed by the Norwegian Research Council. In 1998, a SIP on driver behaviour models was started up. One important background was a lack of satisfactory driver behaviour models within the field of traffic safety. Topics like speed choice, risk compensation, information processing and decision-making, are cental fields that need to be fully understood and integrated in a well developed model of driver behaviour. The present report comprises introductory working papers concerning "state-of-the-art" on central topics needed for an elaboration of a driver behaviour model. These topics are: Information processing, motives, emotions, factors affecting speed choice, driver experience, risk perception and human error.