Authors: | Erik Bjørnson Lunke, Berit Grue |
Report nr: | 1676/2018 |
ISBN (digital version): | 978-82-480-2200-8 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Summary Hele rapporten Sammendrag |
A stated goal in the Norwegian National Transport Plan is that the modal share for cycling in Norway increase to eight percent by 2023. To reach this goal, a secondary goal has been defined, that the cycling share in the largest metropolitan areas increase to 20 percent. We have investigated the relationship between these two goals and have found that it is probably easier to achieve the national goal of eight percent modal share for cycling than to achieve 20 percent in the metropolitan areas. We have also investigated the relationship between these two cycling goals and the Government’s “zero growth objective” (Nullvekstmålet) regarding car use in metropolitan areas.