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CREAM analysis of "Signal Passed at Danger" (SPAD) events

Authors: Susanne Nordbakke, Fridulv Sagberg
Report nr: 915/2007
ISBN: 978-82-480-0801-9
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-0802-6
Language: English
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When a train passes a stop signal, it is potentially a dangerous event. In this project six cases of "Signal Passed at Danger" events have been analysed. The primary purpose was to test the applicability of CREAM, which is a system of classification and method for analysing error causation. The project was also expected to provide knowledge about factors that may influence the risk of SPADs, and thus provide background for countermeasures. The analysis resulted in suggestions in regard to adaption of the CREAM method in the rail domain. Furthermore, specific suggestions to the Norwegian railways were made both in regard to countermeasures and to reporting routines concerning such events. There is a need for more standardized positioning of signals, and for improved communication betweem traffic control centre and train drivers.


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