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Commuting in Norway. Norwegian Travel Survey 2005

Authors: Øystein Engebretsen
Report nr: 868/2006
ISBN: 978-82-480-0708-1
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-0709-8
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Hele rapporten

In the Norwegian Travel Survey 2005 about 17 500 persons from 13 years are interviewed. This report concentrates on commuting and business travel. 19-25 percent of the daily trips are commuting, however during rush hours the commuters dominate. 70 percent of the commuting is by car. The mode of transport varies by the location of the work place and the access to free parking. Business travel constitutes only two percent of all trips, but 14 percent of interregional trips (28 percent of air travel). The Travel Survey also gives insight into spatial patterns of labour markets and business interactions.


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