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Commodity flow matrices for Norway

Authors: Inger Beate Hovi, Bjørn Gjerde Johansen
Report nr: 1253/2013
ISBN: 978-82-480-1427-0
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1414-0
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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An important component of the national freight model for Norway is the commodity flow matrices. These should represent all Norwegian flows of goods in tonnes between the shipper side, represented by manufacturers, importers and wholesalers, and the user side represented by intermediate goods used in manufacturing and service industries, export, wholesale trade and retail. The present report is documenting zone level, commodity grouping, base data, methodological approach and validation efforts to establish commodity flow matrices for Norway. A survey of domestic commodity flows from manufacturing and wholesale trade (conducted by Statistics Norway) is the main improvement in this work compared to earlier versions of the base matrices.


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