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Begegnungszonen – Experiences from improving pedestrian conditions in Basel, Switzerland

Authors: Maja Karoline Rynning, Marianne Knapskog
Report nr: 1767/2020
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1707-3
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary - only in Norwegian
Full report - only in Norwegian

Walking as a means of transport is becoming increasingly relevant and important. Many cities are working to increase walking shares, and are seeking knowledge about, amongst others, measures and solutions that can contribute to achieving this. In this report we have gathered knowledge and experiences on begegnungszonen, a physical solution aimed at improving the collaboration between different users of public space (pedestrians, car drivers, etc.). Here, our focus has been on how the solution can contribute to better conditions for pedestrians. The case has been Basel in Switzerland. We explore what begegnungszonen are, how they are implemented, and experiences so far. Furthermore, we have assessed a number of zones using a previously developed method to assess walkability. Begegnungszonen have several similarities to the Norwegian solution gatetun (‘courtyards’ or ‘living streets’). Experiences from Basel indicates that there might be room for a better use and exploitation of gatetun as a measure in Norway to promote walking and walkability.


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