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Assessment of retail analysis for Fredrikstad

Authors: Marianne Knapskog
Report nr: 1514/2016
ISBN (digital version): 978-82-480-1749-3
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Sammendrag
Hele rapporten

In May of 2016 the Municipality of Fredrikstad received an assessment of retail in the city centre of Fredrikstad from a private developer that wanted to develop a plot in the area Værste as a shopping centre. The aim was to consider the consequences for retail in the city centre towards 2040. The institute of Transport Economics were asked by the Municipality of Fredrikstad to evaluate the assessment. The main remark is that the assessment answers the question of how many square meters that can be used for retail in Fredrikstad the next ten years, but does not answer the question if Værste is the right location for retail. This especially applies to the effect the position will have on the city centre of Fredrikstad.


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