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A comprehensive study of the relation beween teleworking and transport

Authors: Randi Hjorthol
Report nr: 691/2003
ISBN: 82-480-0395-7
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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The main question in this report is how teleworking influences the activities and travel pattern of the whole household, not only the telecommuter. The empirical part of the project is based on a qualitative study with in depth interviews with 16 employees from three different companies centrally located in Oslo. The motives for choosing telework are important both for the numbers of days people telework per month and for the transportation effects. The reasons or motives for choosing telework are grouped into five categories; lifecycle, housing-/labour market, concentration, prevention of stress, and practical reasons. These five motives give different transport effects related to substitution of trips, generating trips and modification of travel patterns.


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0349 Oslo, Norway

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