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Mobility and welfare of older people

Mobility is an important aspect of welfare and well-being. A large majority of people aged 67 years and older state that access to transport is essential to their quality of life, i.e. a good transport service is necessary if they are to have an active social life.

A Special Transport Service for those who are unable to use conventional public transport is not very well known among the older population.

Nevertheless, many older people in Norway today live in areas where the public transport supply is not satisfactory. Not everyone has or wants to use a car.

The distance to the bus stop or train station is often too far to walk, and many will not use public transport if they are not sure of getting a seat. Awareness of the Special Transport Service among those who cannot use conventional public transport is lacking, and of those who use the service only about a third claim that it is adequate.

With an increasing share of older people in society it is important that transport policy adjusts accordingly. An accommodated transport supply means greater independence for older people and helps them stay longer in their own home, thus contributing to improved welfare and quality of life.

Mobility and welfare of older people – development, travel needs and measures. TØI Report 1179/2011.
Authors: Randi Hjorthol, Susanne Nordbakke, Liva Vågane, Lena Levin, Anu Sirén, Pål Ulleberg



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