New technologies can disrupt existing market structures entirely. In the mobility sector, innovations such as autonomous vehicles and applications for user information and shared mobility are piloted around the world.
The REGSMART project analyses opportunities and challenges that public authorities face in the on-going transition to smart mobility:
1) Sustainable data policies, including privacy, data collection, ownership and sharing of data, security and ethics
2) Regulation of the smart mobility market such that innovation and societal benefits are achieved while at the same time safeguarding important societal goals
3) Governance of smart mobility including new roles and strategies for public transport authorities, resource allocation, decision-making, public-private partnerships, coordination and congruence between business and administration.
REGSMART investigates the current regulatory frameworks related to sustainable data policies, the mobility market and governance – and how these frameworks are bound to change when new technologies and services emerge. In order to take into account social dilemmas and how people are affected by them, we use the framework of responsible research (RRI), as it emphasizes to establish a broad, mutual dialogue within the sector about how public government can plan for the smart mobility future. Scenario development is used together with stakeholder and citizen perspectives, in order to strengthen the deliberative and anticipatory approach of the research process. The project also contains a comparative element, comparing Norwegian cases with Sweden and Finland.
Contact info to Project Manager Nils Fearnley
Project output
Nordic Experiences with Smart Mobility: Emerging Services and Regulatory Frameworks Transportation Research Procedia
Micromobility—regulatory challenges and opportunities Et kapittel i Sørensen&Paulsson (eds., 2020)
Patterns of E-Scooter Use in Combination with Public Transport Transport Findings
Reisehverdagen i 2030 – scenarioer for bytransport Report, Norwegian Board of Technology