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  • > Methodology of travel behaviour research. A discussion of methodogical problems associated with national travel behavoiur surveys

Methodology of travel behaviour research. A discussion of methodogical problems associated with national travel behavoiur surveys

Authors: Ingunn Stangeby
Report nr: 477/2000
ISBN: 82-480-0150-4
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Summary
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The report summarises our experience with the NTS, undertakes a critical assessment of the methods employed and considers how they may be improved. In the next NTS the sample preferably should be drawn from the central register of people. The interviews will be carried out by phone, using the programme CATI. Underreporting of trips should be limited. A more precise geographical pinpointing of the origin and destination of the journeys is necessary for use of NTS data in the national passenger transport models. Non respons should be reduced using warning notice in advance and encourage people to take part. The duration of the interview affects the quality of the data collected and should not exceed 20 minutes. A critical look at the questionnaire is necessary. An important goal for future NTS is comparability between periods. The work with methods in travel behaviour research should be continued at the Institute of Transport Economics.


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