Authors: | Johanna Ludvigsen, Petter Dybedal, Vidar Nergård: |
Report nr: | 548/2001 |
ISBN: | 82-480-0233-0 |
Language: | Norwegian |
Attachments | Hele rapporten Sammendrag |
This study has established that the present quality of transport infrastructure in Norway does not fulfil business firms’ needs for efficient and economically viable access to domestic and international markets. Results show that severe drawbacks in transport infrastructure obstruct the inbound and outbound shipments and by so doing gravely affect the supply operations, financial results, market relationships and the well being of firms’ personnel. Norwegian business establishments use large amounts of material and human resources in order to cope, reduce and counteract the negative consequences of inadequate quality of nation’s transport infrastructure, which otherwise could have been channelled to resolution of other operational and/or strategic tasks.