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  • > Effects of traffic safety programme in Buskerud county, 2002-2005 - part of the National transport Plan of Norway

Effects of traffic safety programme in Buskerud county, 2002-2005 - part of the National transport Plan of Norway

Authors: Kjartan Sælensminde
Report nr: 1184/2001
Language: Norwegian
Attachments Sammendrag

The working report presents estimates of the expected effects of road safety measures in Buskerud county, Norway, as part of the development of the National Transport Plan 2002-2011. Effects are estimated for measures that are planned for the 2002-2005 planning term. Effects are stated as the expected reduction in the number of road users injured in road accidents in Buskerud. It is estimated that this number can be reduced by 48 by spending about 12-14 million NOK (about 1.4-1.7 million USD) on safety measures each year. If spending is increased to 30 million NOK per year, the number of injured road users can be reduced by about 60 per year. These estimates are, however, very uncertain and should be taken only as an indication of the order of magnitude of possible effects of the road safety measures.


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