Part 1:
- 10.00-10.15: Welcome – program and presentation - Coffee/fruits
- 10.15-10.35: Car-sharing and the transition to sustainable mobility, Derk Loorbach and Sem Oxenaar, DRIFT, Rotterdam
- 10.35-10.55: Entering, enduring and exiting: Car sharing and the durability of alternative household mobility habits, Brendan Doody, TSU, Oxford
- 10.55-11.15: Car sharing and transformations in households’ travel patterns: Evidence from Oslo. Tom Julsrud, CICERO and Eivind Farstad, TØI
- 11.15-11.35: Car sharing, life course and young people vs. older people`s approaches to daily mobilities, Tanu Priya Uteng and Cyriac George, TØI
- 11.35-11:50: Short coffee break
- 11:50-12:30 “Open floor” for questions, follow up on presentations or topics from the morning session
- 12.30-13.15: LUNCH
Part 2:
- 13.15-13.35: Expert`s view on car sharing in future urban mobility – results from a Delphi-study in four European countries, Eivind Farstad, TØI and Tom Julsrud, CICERO
- 13.35-14:30: Car sharing development and its role in transition to a sustainable mobility future in four European cities: London, Malmö, Rotterdam and Oslo. Presenters (about 10 min. each):
Dr. Peter Arnfalk, IIIEE at Lund University
Dr. Derk Loorbach, DRIFT at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr. Ove Langeland, TØI, Oslo
Dr. Tim Schwanen, TSU at University of Oxford, joining via video link
- 14.30-15.15: Coffee break
- 15.15-16.00: Final discussion with audience
- Where do we go from here? General policy/transition dilemmas & Propositions and solutions
- Interactive voting on the “best” proposed actions and solutions RESULTS
- Summing up