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  • > Economic analyses of surface treatments, tree belts, green façades, barriers, and roofs

Economic analyses of surface treatments, tree belts, green façades, barriers, and roofs

Forfattere: Ronny Klæboe, Knut Veisten
Rapportnr: 8462/2014
ISBN (elektronisk versjon): 9780415675239
Språk: English

Solutions for reducing the noise impact of road and rail traffic can be found in the use of natural elements in combination with artificial elements in urban and rural environments. Ground and road surface treatments; trees, forests, and tall vegetation; and the greening of buildings and other surfaces can contribute to powerful and cost-effective noise reduction. Environmental Methods for Transport Noise Reduction presents the main findings of the Holistic and Sustainable Abatement of Noise by optimized combinations of Natural and Artificial means (HOSANNA) research project. This project involved experts from seven countries, and assessed noise reduction in terms of sound level reductions, perceptual effects, and cost–benefit analysis. It considered a number of green abatement strategies, and aimed to develop a toolbox for reducing road and rail traffic noise in outdoor environments.


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