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  • > Calculating emissions along supply chains - standardization for a global approach within reach?

Calculating emissions along supply chains - standardization for a global approach within reach?

Forfattere: Alan Lewis, Verena Ehrler, Kari Makala, Olav Eidhammer
Rapportnr: 8386/2013
Språk: English

The COFRET project has a two-fold objective: on the one hand to develop a methodology to calculate the carbon footprint of global supply chains (which is the main focus of this paper) and on the other hand to strive for maximum recognition of the COFRET methodology in the logistics industry as the harmonised approach that it craves. This paper therefore finishes with an outlook in how far the method of the COFRET-project provides for a viable approach to contribute to a new global standard for the calculation of emissions along supply chains.


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